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The eradication of child abuse begins with building informed, empowered communities with the courage to talk openly about this difficult issue. Child abuse, particularly child sexual abuse, is a crime of secrecy. As high-profile cases capture media attention, social outrage continues to drive the conversation out of the shadows.

Start the dialogue. Inspire others to talk openly.
Open conversation is the most effective tool we have to eradicate child abuse.

Parents: Educate your children about child abuse in an age-appropriate way. If you’re uncertain how to approach it, contact your child’s physician or a local Children’s Justice Center to learn ways to approach this conversation.

Recognize and report suspected abuse. 

A Journalist’s Guide to Reporting on Child Abuse

The perception and conversation surrounding victimization of children is often framed through media coverage of high-profile cases of abuse and neglect.  When reporting on this subject, whether as a single incident or as a community health and safety concern, this guide is meant to assist journalists in reporting on child abuse responsibly and accurately, while minimizing harm to victims.  Download “A Journalist’s Guide to Reporting on Child Abuse.”

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